CCS students offer free income tax preparation
Did you know some of our Catholic Central School students are now IRS-certified tax preparers? And they're offering free tax services at CCS for those who meet the qualifications. Here's what you need to know:
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program is a national IRS volunteer program where IRS-certified volunteers prepare Federal and state tax returns for free. Come file with the Catholic Central School VITA Tax Site, a new site in Latham, located at Catholic Central School, 347 Old Loudon Rd in Latham.
To qualify:
-Annual income should be $60k or less
-Must not have rental income
-Must not have completed bankruptcy during the year being prepared
-Must not have self-employment income involving deductions for employees, a home office, or depreciation. Ride sharing employees generally qualify.
-Other qualifications may apply depending on individual circumstances
Interested? Call the number 2-1-1 and follow the button prompts to speak with an operator and make an appointment. The Catholic Central School VITA site will be open Wednesdays starting February 8th, from 8:30am-11am.
Offered in conjunction with United Way of the Greater Capital Region and Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany.