April 26 Hope Reception to Benefit Scholarship Fund
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Catholic Schools will hold its 2024 Hope Reception on Friday, April 26, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The Hangar at 743, located at 743 Albany Shaker Rd building 202, in Latham. The annual fundraiser supports the Beacon of Hope Scholarship Fund, which provides tuition assistance to families who would otherwise not have the means to send their children to a Catholic school in the 14-county diocese.
The 2024 Hope Reception will feature performances and demonstrations by Catholic school students and will celebrate the Beacon of Hope Community Spirit Award honorees from each school. Kathleen Yanas will serve as Master of Ceremonies for the event, which will include passed hors d’oeuvres and food stations.
“We strive to ensure that every child regardless of faith or circumstance has the ability to benefit from a Catholic education,” said Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger, “Our schools instill intellectual, spiritual, moral, and social values in our students Reception. We are so grateful to all those who support the Beacon of Hope Fund to make Catholic education possible for so many young people.”
During the 2023-2024 school year, the Beacon of Hope Scholarship Fund provided support to more than 420 students in Catholic schools throughout the Diocese.
Winners of the Community Spirit Award, each nominated by members of their respective school community, are recognized for going above and beyond, giving the immeasurable gift of their time, talent, and resources.
To register for the event or donate or sponsor an awardee, visit https://2024Hope. If payment by check is preferred, make checks payable to the 2024 Hope Reception and mail to 2024 Beacon of Hope, Catholic School Office, 40 North Main Ave., Albany, NY 12203.
For more information, contact Julie Byron-Hogan, Development Assistant, at (518) 453-6602 or Julie.Byron-Hogan@rcda.org.